Attention: Coaches & service based businesses. Are you taking the right actions to get in front of the right clients for your business?

Are you ready to get found, get known, and get clients on LinkedIn?In the LinkedIn to Leads 16 week Group Program you will 

Learn how to use LinkedIn, How to create a 5 Star Profile. To Build a Network of Connections who love your Content and are Ready to Buy from you. AND get selling.

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Learn More
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Is your discovery call calendar a little empty or full of the wrong people for you?

Did you know that when people search for you online, one of the first results is your LinkedIn profile?

Does yours showcase exactly what you do in a way that feels authentic but still builds credibility and authority?

When they click the follow you button does your content confirm that you are THE person they want to work with?

If it does then you should be booking discovery calls with the right kind of leads for your business with ease. Are you?

Your ideal clients are there. After all there are 900 million users of LinkedIn in 2023. 44% of LinkedIn users take home more than $75,000 per year.

Are you ready to roll your sleeves up and take the right action?



Maybe this is what's been holding you back...

Shiny new objects give you headaches!

You're sick of the next new thing. Of following advice that's not working. Post useful comments in Facebook groups. You did that. Tick. But what results did you get? And the lead magnet you shared... did you get the right people on your list? 

Create talking head videos with lots of free advice and occasional trending audio or that guy from the Office dancing on Tiktok or you in a boat with a witty text overlay... Still at 200ish views and 111 followers? Any sales?

Can you even keep up with Instagram. Are images ok this week or are they still favouring short video?

Threads. Like WTF? Seriously, another one?

Enough already. There is an easier way...

Thing is, in your head you know what the easier way is. You've been looking at LinkedIn and saying to yourself professionals are there, corporates are there. "I need to show up there."

So... You need to know:

  • What content works on LinkedIn to position me as an expert in my field?
  • How to position my expertise in my About Section so that my credibility shines through?
  • What to say in a private message so that I don't sound like the people who message me and drive me mad?
  • How to build a network of new connections? I've changed industries.
  • How to get the right people to pay attention?
  • What actions to take to create the opportunity of a Discovery Call with my ideal client?

The majority of the advice available is not for you. It talks about how to get a new role or a promotion but not clients. 

You know that your clients are there. You know that your offer can make a huge impact. It's so frustrating.

Let's put a pin in the doubts that are holding you back.

Big Doubt # 1: I don't have enough connections who could buy from me.

You don't need a huge following or to know people in the industry that you want to work with.

When I pivoted my business and used LinkedIn to find clients to work with my entire network was made up of former colleagues, suppliers and friends!

I didn't have one connection on LinkedIn who was a coach. All my clients have come through networking or LinkedIn. 

The idea that you need have hundreds of connections to start signing clients on LinkedIn is a myth.

You need to have credibility, authority and experience in the service that you offer and an understanding of the clients that you work with. 

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Big Doubt # 2: I can't "be me" and be on LinkedIn

Trying to be someone else and putting on a performance is exhausting. And you might have left the corporate world because you were sick and tired of putting on that "suit of armour" every day.

Here's the thing. If double denim is your new suit, then you do you. The more you lean into being you, the more people will gravitate towards you as their kind of person.

And that corporate experience that exhausted you could be the exact super power that can help you to help others... once you frame it in a way that organisations want to buy your service. And that is easy peasy once you know how. (I'm going to show you!)

Big Doubt # 3: I have to use sleazy sales tactics to sign up clients. 

OK who are you listening to? This just has to GO. 

Think of a service that you want or need. Consider how you feel when you are interested in working with someone. How you feel?

Curious? Interested? Open to information? 

Now... imagine yourself as the person (this is actually you!) with the information for the person that is curious and interested and open to information.

When you position yourself as the right person in your niche that shares content to problem aware and solution aware clients then you can use your knowledge and expertise to attract those people to you.

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What if those doubts became POSSIBILITIES?

How does this sound instead?

  • Clients reach out to you to work with you. They ask to talk to you so they can find out more about how you offer your service.
  • Knowing that you are in the right place to attract high ticket coaching clients and you feel like you belong there.
  • Spending 30 minutes a day on LinkedIn to network and grow your prospective clients.
  • Having a professional profile that you feel aligned to, that showcases your experience and builds on your credibility.
  • Having a clear and easy to understand title on LinkedIn that tells potential clients exactly how you can help them.
  • Knowing what content converts best on LinkedIn, to attract more attention from prospects.
  • Learning how to best use LinkedIn to find more highly qualified leads for your coaching or service business.
  • Getting that feeling as Zoom opens and this stranger looks at you that they are going to sign up today.
  • Enjoying that feeling of confidence that your discovery calls convert more often than not.
  • Joining a small group program that means you get personal attention while still having peer to peer accountability and support.

Imagine the difference to your bank balance every month.


Hi, I'm Elaine Walsh-McGrath

Special Needs Mum, sea swimmer, world traveller, live music aficianado, ex ad agency pro. 

As a Content Marketing Strategist & Coach for coaches and service businesses who want to grow their high ticket offers, I am here to make it so much easier to show you how find more clients.

I've been helping businesses nail their messaging and market their products and services since the 90s! 

I've been using LinkedIn to build connections and find clients for over ten years.

But let's rewind the tape a few years. Back in 2018 I decided I wasn't going back to work in my 6 figure advertising consultancy business. I had spent a year with my beautiful daughter, at that stage. And I came to realise that the level of appointments and care she needed was not compatible with my previous working life.

So I didn't go back. I need to find a different way to work, so that I could work with clients and help my daughter reach her potential. 


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The first thing I did had nothing to do with marketing, or so I thought! I retrained as a kids yoga teacher. Looking back it was a pivotal moment in my success. It helped me to embrace my creative side again.

Despite the challenges that 2020 brought I took the business online and started supporting yoga teachers to show them what I had done. Build a social following, create a list of interested clients, teach online, create sales funnels, courses and yoga memberships.

Slowly I realised that the world would be better served with my marketing talents deployed to help businesses to thrive...

I turned to an old friend, LinkedIn.

I made a bold decision. Instead of continuing to run my business focusing on memberships, and smaller consultancy fees. I created a high ticket offer. Within two months of showing up consistently on LinkedIn I signed my first three high ticket clients. And I haven't looked back.


Now that's the short version. A whistle stop tour of the last six years!

So why am I sharing all of that with you? Because when I decided to lean into my marketing skills and go in search of clients, I was in the same situation that all of my clients find themselves.

They have connections and a network on LinkedIn. But they appear to be completely irrelevant because they're from a previous career.

It's that first hand experience, combined with the strategic knowledge that I deploy to help my clients grow their visibility and ultimately client list on LinkedIn.

I've tried and tested many ways of signing clients, using LinkedIn. Some of them just didn't sit right with me. That idea of "it's a numbers game." Didn't suit me, and it doesn't suit the people I work with. They find it disingenuous.

That what inspired me to create a framework that brings me joy (and clients!) I'm going to share it with you. I call it the Power of Connection because that spark and energy of connecting on a human level with people, even on social media, makes the difference and will help you to stand out from the crowd.

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I am going to show you how you can be yourself on LinkedIn and find more clients for your business 

I have signed up clients that I met on LinkedIn. I have shared my LinkedIn profile at networking meetings that then lead to clients signing up to work with me. And you can do the same.

AND then there's the dream - people reach out to me to work with me. What a time saver! That can happen for you too.

So do you want to grow your business in a way that feels achievable, sustainable, practical?


Feels good. Feels right. 

If you are nodding and saying yes then I am for you!

I want to teach you how use your message, your voice and personality to light that spark of connection to grow your business.

xx Elaine


Introducing... LinkedIn to Leads 16 week Group Program

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Are you ready to get found, get known, and get clients on LinkedIn? 

In the LinkedIn to Leads 16 week Group Program you will... 

Learn how to use LinkedIn, How to create a 5 Star Profile. To Build a Network of Connections who love your Content and are Ready to Buy from you. AND get selling.

Sign Me Up!

The secret sauce behind LinkedIn to Leads?

It's the Power of Connection, that spark that creates an interest, a curiosity that leads to a moment of attention and the potential of connection. Think about how you act in your day to day life when you're introduced to a new colleague or a new supplier. What makes you listen to them? Why are you interested in what they have to say? It's a spark of chemistry and the fact that they are relevant to you... so let's flip that:

CLARITY: Spell out exactly how you can achieve the biggest transformation for your client. What your credentials and experience are and why you are the BEST person to deliver the outcome that they need. Define yourself so that you can be found.

COMMUNICATION: Share content that clearly shows your ideal client that you have exactly what they are searching for. Create a curiosity and interest that leads them to want more information on how they can work with you. Help them get to know you.

CONFIDENCE: Stand out from everyone else in your niche with confidence and self belief. Show your authority. Reflect the successful coaching business that you are building.

CONNECTION: Create joyful working connections with people that you admire and want to work with. Take the right actions to create that spark that creates intrigue and interest in what you have to offer. And get more clients.

Want a peek at your path to growing your coaching business with ease?

Here's what we're going to do to get found, get known and get clients on LinkedIn:

Phase 1: 5 Star Profile - Get Ready to Shine

Before you start reaching out to people on LinkedIn or sharing content, you need to make sure that when they go and check out your profile that it reflects the talent you have.

From headline, profile photo, banner and about me section it needs to say "this is the person who I need to work with."

We're going to dedicate 4 weeks of calls on Zoom to ensure that your messaging on your profile is sparkling. 

Week 1 - Nail your Niche

Week 2 - Get Specific about Results

Week 3 - LinkedIn Headline

Week 4 - Ideal Client is all About you (not me)

Supporting the calls there are also tutorials in the LinkedIn to Leads Library that go through how to upload your profile photo, banner and amend your profile URL.

There are Canva Templates of LinkedIn Banners. Swipe Files for your About Section.

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Phase 2: Content that Converts & Builds Your Credibility

We're going to create a content strategy for your business that, honestly, you can use everywhere on social media. It is soooo easy to use and its purpose is to make your ideal client feel like you are speaking to them.

Our objective is help your ideal client feel heard, understand that you are THE person who not only gets them but also has the knowledge that they want to invest in.

We're going to dedicate 4 weeks of calls on Zoom to ensure that your content is right for your business and your ideal client. Your followers and connections will interact and share, giving you the opportunity to reach out to them.

Week 5 - How to Create a Content Strategy for your Business

Week 6 - Creating Content that Connects to your Ideal Client

Week 7 - How to Plan Shareable Weekly Content with Ease

Week 8 - Content Ideas Q&A Session

Supporting the live Zoom calls there are also tutorials in the LinkedIn to Leads Library that go through how to create an article, a LinkedIn poll, a Carousel PDF, and how to start your own Newsletter. And of course how to schedule a post.

There are Canva Templates of LinkedIn Banners for your Article and Newsletter. Swipe Files of LinkedIn Poll suggestions.

Phase 3: Energise your Network & Spark up Conversations

It's time to get visible. We will cheer each other on as we post our content. We're going to build on our existing network and start to spark up conversations with our Ideal Clients. 

We're going to dedicate 4 weeks of calls on Zoom to ensure that you feel confident about posting and sharing insights on both your content and also on your new connections content. We'll spark up conversations on the LinkedIn Platform, just like we would at an in-person networking meeting.

Week 9 - Let's Get Visible (Posting, Sharing, Liking, Commenting with Intention)

Week 10 - How to Share without the Ick (How to take conversations further)

Week 11 - How to Create a Connection with total strangers

Week 12 - Creating Conversations Q&A Session

This is when the LinkedIn Private Group gets super busy as members of our supportive community share the links to  posts and we cheer each other on with meaningful comments and likes. 

There is a swipe file for what to say when you want to share a post with insight. And 5 suggestions on how to open a conversation in private messages.

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Phase 4: Selling with Success Without Feeling Salesy

Get the right people in front of you so that you have the best quality leads for your business sitting on a call in front of you. And then we're going to get on calls with confidence and know exactly what to say so it doesn't feel salesy.

We're going to dedicate 4 weeks of calls on Zoom to ensure that you feel confident about the different methods you can use to invite the right prospective clients to have a call with you.

Week 13 - How to Sell without feeling Salesy

Week 14 - Showcase your Solutions with LinkedIn Events

Week 15 - Discovery Call Set up for Success

Week 16 - Selling with Success

Check out the tutorials in the library to walk you though how to set up a LinkedIn event. How to create a calendar using Calendly. Sell without feeling Salesy Checklist with supporting video to help you know what questions to ask when you're on a call.

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And you'll be supported every step of the way with these features:

Weekly Q&A Support

Got questions along the way? (Of course you do!). 

Think of our weekly Q&A office hours as your go-to spot for getting the clarity you need to keep moving forward.

Besides our weekly office hours, And if you can't make the weekly coaching calls, you can always submit your question ahead of time and catch the recording later.

LinkedIn to Leads Private LinkedIn Group - The Power of Connection

Inside the LinkedIn Group "The Power of Connection" you’ll have the support of other coaching and service businesses get feedback on your content and work, and stay accountable.

Ask questions about LinkedIn and in a supportive and private and small group that is dedicated to the program.

Feedback support to get your 5 Star LinkedIn Profile on point.

Weekly Q&A support and tutorials will be posted within the group.

Small group of fellow accountability cheerleaders. The Spring 2024 group is capped at 20 people.

You’ll have lifetime access to the Power of Connection community. Use this community and the coaching team as you need it. 

Buy Now

I've been working with my absolute dream LinkedIn Coach Elaine Walsh McGrath. She has helped me to realise that people buy a FEELING not a process. To give businesses an idea of what it would be like to work with me.

- Grace Fogarty, Presentations Skills Trainer

After attending Elaine’s LinkedIn Training I gained new clients for the launch of my newest event. Great tips, personalised recommendations and really interactive. Anyone thinking of working with Elaine or attending her  training, go for it! Approachable and informative, Elaine is a wealth of knowledge.

- Kimberley Drain, Nourish Northern Mammas,

"The focus and clarity that I have now has really boosted my confidence and I know that I can make a success of my business."

- Sarah Pocklington, Career Balance Coach, Creator of the Navigator Program


Are you ready to go? (Or as we say in Ireland... are you set for the off?)

Love a bit of added value? Like a juicy Bonus Stack? Yeah, me too.

You'l receive instant access to over €4,000 in course bonuses to grow your business with confidence and ease.

Create your network from scratch


€1,015 VALUE

When you enroll in the LinkedIn to Leads Group Program, you’ll get my contact building course How to Build Connections on LinkedIn with Confidence for FREE! 

You'll learn how to build real connections on LinkedIn from zero. How to reach the actual people that you want to work with. 

You'll get the tools that I have used to build my network and that I share with my one to one clients! DM Swipe Files with supporting tutorials. Checklists, a workbook to help you get in front of the right people to grow your business, while avoiding that "bro marketing" approach to selling.

How to be Authentic on LinkedIn and win clients


€1,073 VALUE

Forget copying everyone else, you are the reason that your clients are going to buy from you. Your beliefs, the way you teach, train or coach, or however you deliver the service that you deliver. It's YOU!

What's the point in pretending to be a watered down version of you? It won't sell.

So this invaluable Authentic Me workbook, with supporting tutorials, a branding cheatsheet, photography tips from a leading brand photographer, copy prompts, and super helpful Trello board to organise it all is going to be invaluable for you to confidently stand out as you and attract the clients you want for your business. 

Reach out to your new connections with something valuable


€846 VALUE

It's so much easier to reach out to your future clients when you've got something that's just perfect to share with them... not to mention it's even better when they not only connect with you on LinkedIn... but also subscribe to your list.

Do you have something that you know is of value to your ideal client that you can easily share with them in a DM (direct message?)

No more icky sales tactics. This is sharing your valuable knowledge to help your ideal client to get to know you.

What's stopping you from getting sold out?


€1,089 VALUE

There are easy to follow steps that you can take to get to that magic stage of being sold out. In Sell Without Feeling Salesy I share simple strategies to make sure that you are always getting closer to a full calendar of your kinda clients.

This includes techniques that you won't find elsewhere. It mixes those must have swipe files of Easy Conversation Openers for LinkedIn. Through to A Goal Tracker. And a practical mindset training so that you can make sure that you're not self sabotaging your efforts to grow your business.

And of course, tech tips as I share exactly what tech I use to book calls, take meetings, and stay of top of my sales pipeline. 

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This is for you if...

  • You are an experienced coach with strong credentials and a growing client list but your LinkedIn profile doesn't reflect this.
  • You know who your clients should be but the content that you've been producing isn't converting. 
  • You are comfortable with using social media to promote yourself and you're ready to learn how to best use LinkedIn.
  • You are a natural networker and happy to reach out to prospective clients on LinkedIn. You just need to know how.
  • You want to learn how to fill your calendar with regular calls so you can sign up more Clients.
  • You have time to set aside to respond to comments, to reach out to your ideal clients and to make appointments to get on a call and sell your services.
  • You are ready to take this opportunity to grow your business and you can invest both the time and money to get the results.


This is NOT for you if...

  • You are at the beginning of your career and have no client experience or work experience.
  • You don't know who your clients are and you have no way of reaching out to people who would fall into the category that you help with.
  • You hate using social media and you don't believe that it can help you to promote your business.
  • You’re looking for an easy way to make money fast—this won't happen overnight (But it is SO doable if you’re willing to commit to doing the work!)
  • You don't have a high ticket offer. Or a way to create one from your existing offerings.
  • You don't have time to set aside to respond to comments, to reach out to your ideal clients and to make appointments to get on a call and sell your services.


When you take the action in just four months you will:

Know how to share how you offer your coaching or service based business in a way that attracts more relevant connections.

Have an easy to follow system that brings high ticket client leads into your business with ease every month.

You will have a profile that you will feel proud to share to grow your LinkedIn network of connections.

You will have a content plan in place that it easy to use and you can plan and schedule for months in advance.

Have an easy to use sales call approach which will help you to sign more clients during your consultation calls.

You will have grown your LinkedIn followers and connections by showing up consistently and getting more visible on the platform.

You'll know how to use the different tools that LinkedIn use to promote your business with ease.


Sign up now

Do you just need a teensy weansy bit extra to know that you can do this?

OK. Here's an amazing opportunity to chat to me 1 to 1. BUT time is ticking!

Imagine how fast you could get this done with a consultation...

What's stopping you from being found?


€357 VALUE

Want to be found by your ideal client? What if you had the right headline that was more searchable so that you were WAAAY more easily found on LinkedIn? 

Grab this one to one 30 minute Zoom consultation with Elaine Walsh- McGrath so that you can get her advice and feedback to create the right headline for your coaching or service based business.

You will get a worksheet that you will work through with Elaine during the call so that you can go back to it at your own pace The call can be recorded if you wish so that you can refer to it. 

AND when you update your headline, Elaine can review it and give you further tips in a recorded video feedback session. 

So are you in? The deadline to grab your space is the 5th October at 4pm (Irish Standard Time) ...










Select the plan that's right for you. There are only 20 spaces:

6 payments of €297

Payment Plan

VALUE - €9,765

  • 1 weekly x 60 minute Zoom training during the 16 week Live Group Training calls with business spot-light and feedback opportunities to ask your questions 
  • Supported Training Workbook 
  • Lifetime access to the replayed calls, tutorials and supporting material.
  • Recorded 10 minute Feedback Video for your revised (5 Star) LinkedIn Profile following the training sent privately to you 
  • Private LinkedIn Group  to ask questions about your business and receive advice and peer to peer support open for 16 weeks. 
  • This will be a small group, limited to 20 people.
  • AND Bonus Courses!


6 Payments of €297

Best Value!

One Payment - €1,597

VALUE - €9,765

  • 1 weekly x 60 minute Zoom training during the 16 week Live Group Training calls with business spot-light and feedback opportunities to ask your questions 
  • Supported Training Workbook 
  • Lifetime access to the replayed calls, tutorials and supporting material.
  • Recorded 10 minute Feedback Video for your revised (5 Star) LinkedIn Profile following the training sent privately to you 
  • Private LinkedIn Group  to ask questions about your business and receive advice and peer to peer support open for 16 weeks. 
  • This will be a small group, limited to 20 people.
  • AND Bonus Courses!


1 Payment of €1,597
12 month payment plan? Click here.


Can't wait to see you at our first live coaching call!

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Sign Me Up!

100% Risk Free 

I understand that sometimes things happen and people need their money back.

But, even though I know this coaching program is so valuable, you deserve the chance to join risk-free to see if it’s for you. If it's not for you then, simply request a refund within 7 days of purchase, and you’ll be refunded in full.

There'll be no questions asked. You simply have to let me know this in writing via email. I will issue you a full refund.



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So what happens next?

Here's how it works:

As soon as you sign up, you’ll be sent a welcome email with your username and password to access the LinkedIn to Leads Group Program.

You’ll be invited to join our new private LinkedIn group where you’ll meet me, and the other community members. (It's a small intimate welcoming space.)

From there, you'll have access to the LinkedIn to Leads Library so you can get started on setting up the basics of your profile.

The Fall Group is in session. We will open the program again in Spring.

The Q&A calls happen each week. They'll be recorded live at 2pm UK & IRE time. They will be stored with the rest of the curriculum for you to access whenever you want.

And you have lifetime access to the library.


Sign me up
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Frequently Asked Questions



Sign Me Up!

Elaine finally allowed me to see the great potential in LinkedIn and owning my own story. I highly recommend getting more into Elaine's world and getting her help with your social media. 

- Fiona Gazzard, Professional Witch



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Now is the time to take action. Why?

Because your clients are on LinkedIn waiting for you to show up. 

If you're networking or being referred in any shape or form then people are searching your name and checking out your LinkedIn profile. You could make it match their expectation really easily.

And you don't have to spend loads of time creating content, once your profile is ready then so are you. Just get out there and start interacting with others, while you get your content ready!

So join me NOW. Do this. Let's get selling in 2023 and charge into 2024 ready to grow your business to match your dreams.


Sign me Up!

Need to chat it through? Get in touch...  

Message me on LinkedIn:

Send an email: [email protected] 


Any earnings or income statements or examples shown through our website are only estimates of what might be possible now or in the future. There can be no assurance as to any particular financial outcome based on the use of our website. You agree that I am not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your personal or business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our website. You are solely responsible for your results.



I present testimonials and insights about other people’s experiences with my program for purposes of illustration only. The testimonials, examples used are of actual clients. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results; rather, these testimonials represent what is possible for illustrative purposes only.