So you want to fill your calendar with the right clients but it's not happening. 

Attract your Dream Clients Organically 12 Week Group program, using the M.A.R.K.E.T. Method is going to show you grow your list with the right clients for your One to One coaching business... and get ready to earn 5K a month.

Chances are that you are highly skilled, particularly in the career that you left behind to become a coach. For some reason, you're not backing yourself 100% And you're thinking you might need one more coaching certification. STOP. You don't. I guarantee it.

If you have some clients but you're not making consistent revenue. One month it's 5K then the next it could be nothing. Chances are that your marketing is broken. 

The good news is that the fixes are simple but most people don't apply them consistently enough.

I get it. Because for a long time I didn't back myself, my skills, I didn't tell anyone about my past award winning work. I didn't call out how I could help people or say who I could help. But I changed all that in 2021 and in Q1 2022 I tripled my revenue.

The fact is that the most financially successful coaches in the world aren't necessarily the best coaches. But they are good at marketing. And I can help you to improve your marketing so that you fill your calendar. Does that sound good?

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You probably know what to do in theory. Right? Tell people what you do, find your ideal client, share your message. But what you have isn't working. Perhaps everyone has an opinion about where you should promote your business or how and you don't know who to listen to and it's all too much. Some people are trying to get you to be someone that you just aren't. It's exhausting. Where to share, what to say, not being able to be yourself when you're promoting your coaching business.

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Your calendar booking app is under-used!

Why is no one booking calls with you?

Here's the thing. I am a confident person. But I wouldn't book a call with anyone if wasn't sure that they could help me. And even then if I was 100% sure that they would help me. I'd have to know that I liked them enough to book a call.

So if you're not filling your calendar then you have to ask yourself. What is stopping people from booking with you?

Is it clear how you help people? Do the right people know that you can help them? Is the problem big enough for them to want to pay someone to solve it?

Are you displaying enough authority in your field? Are you true to how people expect you to be?

Do you have a way that your followers can sign up for more information without talking to you?

Is there a way for people to find out more about you? 

Maybe you're missing a step between building awareness and converting to a sale or a booking.

Hi, I'm Elaine

Do you want to know how I left my corporate life, found a way to help my daughter to reach her potential and be fulfilled by a business where I help others to attract their dream high ticket clients?

In 2017 my beautiful daughter was born, and had a diagnosis of Down Syndrome. I knew I couldn't sustain the hours of "advertising agency life." So what to do?

I searched for a way to earn a living and avoid working long hours. At first I thought that meant leaving the world of marketing. So to cut a long story short, I launched and ran a yoga business. But I ended up helping teachers and studios with advice on booking systems, content strategy, lead magnets, membership development and marketing.

In 2020 I realised that the issue wasn't marketing, but the way I had over-worked in my previous roles in advertising agencies.

So I changed how I pursued my talent. I'm much happier. I use my award winning marketing skill and knowledge to empower others. To help them to communicate their message and amplify it.

You can do the same thing. You can run a successful business based on the skill that you have honed to help your clients to get the result that they are dreaming of. If you've been trying to do that and it's not working. Then you need help with your marketing, and someone to look at your offer and how you are sharing it with your ideal client.

So if you want me to help you to find your perfect client while  getting more time back then join me in my Group Program.

xx Elaine

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Imagine this...

  • Having a high value package of your services in one Magnetic Offer that you can sell as a high ticket offering.
  • Knowing what to say to your ideal client to make a deep connection with them so that they are more interested in talking to you on a call.
  • Being able to attract your dream client without spending any money on ads.
  • Knowing what to say and what content to prepare to make an impact and build your email list.
  • Understanding where to focus your efforts so you can avoid spending hours on social media to book clients.  Choose one platform to use like Instagram or LinkedIn to book clients.
  • Having a sales system that you feel aligned to. A dream list of people who want to be contacted.
  • AND being focused on where to spend your time so that you can progress your business.
  •  Feeling confident to take action and make decisions on the direction of your business with a marketing consultant (that's me!) to hold you accountable in the group program.

How would this change your business?

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Attract your Dream Clients

Impact more people with your expertise while creating more freedom in your life.

Attract your Dream High Ticket Clients Organically using the M.A.R.K.E.T. Method, created by Award Winning Marketing Veteran, Elaine Walsh-McGrath to fill your diary.

Master your profitable niche making sure it is both fulfilling and that people are ready to invest in your services. 

Attract your ideal client when you deeply understand them. Identify exactly what they need from you, so you can come up with the solution they are ready to invest in. 

Put Real Marketing Strategy with Human Connection at the heart of your business. Use it to grow your visibility with ease.

Kick Ass Tactics that focus on keeping it simple and content that converts to grow your list.

Energising your Network and selling in an ethical way to reduce the ick means having a sales system in place.

Tech that will help you to run your business with ease. Runs throughout the group program with tutorials, templates and suggestions where you could tweak your existing systems.

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With Elaine's leadership and guidance, I've been able to excel in my career.  She has the ability to bring out the best of those who work with her.   

- Maria Langan Business Owner at ML Leadership

"What I liked about working with Elaine is her approach to the coaching with a clear passion for marketing combined with an innate understanding."

- Matt Anson, Inside Sales Manager Coach.

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Join the Group Program

A complete step by step group coaching program that teaches you how to:

  • Create your Signature Coaching Program
  • Identify your Ideal Client, Connect with your Client
  • Build a bespoke marketing strategy
  • How to use simple effective tactics to build a list of your prospective clients.
  • Helps you to reframe how you approach selling your services
  • Provides you with templates, swipe files, and spreadsheets that you can use to build your business
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Attract your Dream Clients Organically Course, using the M.A.R.K.E.T. Method:

Get instant access to the Portal which houses over 10 instructional videos, to cover each module of the course.

Get access to Module One upon payment. Each fortnight get access to the next module. So that you can take time to do the research. 

Get the answers to your questions so you can start taking guided practical action to improve marketing your business

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Live Coaching Calls

6 x 1 hour interactive group coaching calls with replay available. PLUS 1 x group onboarding call.

On the fortnightly calls we'll focus on:

  • Magnetic Offer Creation
  • How to Attract Dream Clients
  • Create your Real Marketing Strategy
  • Kick Ass Tactics to grow your list
  • Energising your Network with Ethical Sales
  • The Interactive Round Up Q&A Call 
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Immediate access to your Student Community & Accountability Group. 

Ask questions about the course in a supportive and private Facebook Group.

Real Time support provided within designated hours in the Facebook Group.

Regular Live Videos and tutorials hosted within the group.

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Workbook, Templates & Swipe Files

Access printouts and exercises to help you navigate each step of the course so that you can see how easy marketing can be. 

  • Templates for lead magnets, social posts, webinars.
  • Vision Board Canva Template.
  • Dream Client Lead Tracker.
  • Swipe files for your email welcome series and webinar invitations.
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FINAL DAY bonus training available for fast action takers!:

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Bonus How to Create the Ideal Lead Magnet for your Dream Client

The Interactive Live 60 minute Training to create an Ideal Lead Magnet for your Dream Client Includes a Q&A and Canva Tutorial. You'll also get: 

  • Brainstorming session to choose the right lead magnet for your ideal client.
  • A 40 lead magnet ideas Workbook
  • 1 x 30 minute personalised design feedback session with Elaine.
  • How to host your lead magnet for under $100
  • How Elaine has 10xxed her list with the right lead magnets tutorial.
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Attract your Dream Clients Organically 12 Week Group program, using the M.A.R.K.E.T. Method:

A complete step by step group coaching program that teaches you how to create your Signature Coaching Program, Identify your Ideal Client, Connect with your Client by building a bespoke strategy for you and your client. Show your how to use simple effective tactics to build a list of your prospective clients. Helps you to reframe how you approach selling your services and provides you with templates, swipe files, and spreadsheets that you can use to build your business.

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This is for you if...

  • You are a highly skilled coach, you left your corporate job behind to help others. Perhaps it's crazy to take this step at this later stage of your career but you want to make an impact.
  • You know who your clients should be but can't seem to connect with enough of them. 
  • You know you need to use social media to promote yourself but you're not sure why? You want to learn how to build a list of prospective clients.
  • You're stuck with what to say. Pics of your dog get lots of likes. But you get no reaction when you post about your coaching business.
  • You want to grow your business and you're ready to put in the effort to do it. Let's face it, you have a mortgage to pay.
  • This is what you want to do. You will commit to taking action to take your business to the next level.
  • You want to learn how to fill your calendar with regular calls so you can sign up more One to One Clients.
  • You need help to get to your first 5K month and to continue booking that level of clients regularly.
  • You can work as part of a group and don't need the One to One interaction to take action.
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Attract your Dream Clients Organically 12 Week Group program, using the M.A.R.K.E.T. Method looks like:

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Magnetic Offer Creation

Uncover your true purpose and reframe your skills and experience into an offer that appeals to your ideal client.

We'll use the course materials to inspire you to look deeper into why you have chosen this path of coaching. And to make it more buyable. So that it appeals to your ideal client.

You will be able to tell everyone what you do simple and effectively in one sentence at the end of this module.

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Attract your Ideal Client


We'll work through how to identify the perfect client to match your experience and skills. 

To understand what motivates them, the questions to ask to find out what issues they are seeking help with.

To understand them more deeply so that you can create content that appeals to them.

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Real Marketing Strategy

Marketing is about Human Connection. We'll identify three content pillars that are suited to your business.

So that you can use them as the basis for your messaging. They will frame what you post, write and talk about.

You will walk away with a marketing plan for your coaching business. 

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Kick Ass Tactics

The purpose of this module is to grow your list with the right people for your coaching business using simple and actionable tactics.

We'll focus on how you can use social media to grow your list. We'll focus on LinkedIn and Instagram as our social media platforms of choice to promote your coaching business.

We will create the right lead magnet for your ideal client and a registration page to start building your list.


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Energise your Network 

Chances are that you already have people in your network that will refer you, recommend you or buy from you. But often we don't contact or use our existing networks.

In this module I'll show you how to start talking to your existing network to grow your business.

I'll share how you can use social to create connections for your business.

You will build a list of 30 dream leads by the end of this module without it feeling icky. And I will challenge you to reach out to those leads and report back.

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The Interactive Round Up Call 


The final module is where we'll come together to first of all hold each other accountable and say who we have in our calendar.

I want you to take action during this program. I want you to get at least 10 calls in your diary.

This call will be our trouble shooting call to see if there are any glitches in the system. So you can more forward with your business with a full calendar.

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Templates, tech, and swipe files.

Underpinning our action will be ways to save time. I want to help you to learn skills that will improve how you:

  • Share on social media
  • Enlist subscribers
  • Nurture your list
  • Book your calls
  • Convert your calls to sales

With better systems, time saving tips, templates so you don't have to spend time procrastinating and you can focus on filling your calendar and booking clients. And serving your people.

What does it cost?


Worth ($6,492)

  • Lifetime access to the Complete Step by Step Program on How to your Attract Dream High Ticket Clients Organically with 10 videos, The M.A.R.K.E.T. Method Supporting Workbook, downloadables, spreadsheets + more ($1,487)
  • 6 x one hour calls instructional live coaching calls with replay available. ($987)
  • 12 weeks of Real time support within the Course Community Group during designated hours. Monday to Friday. ($1,987)

  • 12 weeks of Exclusive Student Community & Accountability ($987)

  • Grow your List with Ease Templates including Lead Magnet Canva Template, Webinar Canva template and Welcome Email Series Swipe File. ($497)

  • How to Create the Ideal Lead Magnet for your Dream Client live training and design feedback session - only available until the 1st June! ($547) 
Click here to book
€967 Euro - Click here to book
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Frequently Asked Questions

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Now is the time to take action. Why?

Because there are just over 90 days to September. Which I like to call the Coaching New Year! That time when after the holidays, coming into the fall when we're ready to get down to business again. We're ready to take on a new challenge. Ready to learn something new.

That's your time. Your moment to capture their attention. When they're in the zone to take the next step.

Just before that time, is when you need to be ready with your messaging, showing your prospective clients that you are the person that will help them to get the result that they want.

So join me NOW. Do this. 2022 is your year to get the One to One clients into your calendar. And start earning 5K a month.

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Refund policy 

I'm going to be honest and say I can't guarantee results because everyone's ability to take action is different.

I am confident that I can help you. But sometimes things happen and people need their money back. So within 14 days of your purchase if you need your money back then you can let me know this in writing via email. I will issue you a full refund.

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