I'm Elaine!
I help my clients to land more high ticket clients. (Helloooo financial freedom!)
As a Content Marketing Strategist & Coach for coaches and service businesses who want to grow their high ticket offers, I am here to make it so much easier to show you how find more clients.
I've been helping businesses nail their messaging and market their products and services since the 90s!
I've been using LinkedIn to build connections and find clients for over ten years.
But let's rewind the tape a few years. Back in 2018 I decided I wasn't going back to work in my 6 figure advertising consultancy business. I had spent a year with my beautiful daughter at that stage. And I came to realise that the level of appointments and care she needed was not compatible with my previous working life.
So I didn't go back. I needed to find a different way to work, so that I could work with clients and help my daughter reach her potential.

The first thing I did had nothing to do with marketing, or so I thought! I retrained as a kids yoga teacher. Looking back it was a pivotal moment in my success. It helped me to embrace my creative side again.
Despite the challenges that 2020 brought I took the business online and started supporting yoga teachers to show them what I had done. Build a social following, create a list of interested clients, teach online, create sales funnels, courses and yoga memberships.
Slowly I realised that the world would be better served with my marketing talents deployed to help businesses to thrive...
I turned to an old friend, LinkedIn.
I made a bold decision. Instead of continuing to run my business focusing on memberships, and smaller consultancy fees. I created a high ticket offer. Within two months of showing up consistently on LinkedIn I signed my first three high ticket clients. And I haven't looked back.
Now that's the short version. A whistle stop tour of the last six years!
So why am I sharing all of that with you? Because when I decided to lean into my marketing skills and go in search of clients, I was in the same situation that all of my clients find themselves.
They have connections and a network on LinkedIn. But they appear to be completely irrelevant because they're from a previous career.
It's that first hand experience, combined with the strategic knowledge that I deploy to help my clients grow their visibility and ultimately their client list on LinkedIn.
I've tried and tested many ways of signing clients, using LinkedIn. Some of them just didn't sit right with me. That idea of "it's a numbers game" didn't suit me, and it doesn't suit the people I work with. They find it disingenuous.
That what inspired me to create a framework that brings me joy (and clients!)
I call it the Power of Connection because that spark and energy of connecting on a human level with people, even on social media, makes the difference and will help you to stand out from the crowd.
I share it with my clients to help them to grow their businesses and create that freedom that people who work with me desire.

I am going to show you or you and your team (!) how you can be true to your value on LinkedIn and find more clients for your business
I have signed up clients that I met on LinkedIn. I have shared my LinkedIn profile at networking meetings that then led to clients signing up to work with me. And you can do the same.
AND then there's the dream - people reach out to me to work with me. What a time saver! That can happen for you too.
So do you want to grow your business in a way that feels achievable, sustainable, practical?
Feels good. Feels right.
If you are nodding and saying yes then I am for you!
I want to teach you how use your message, your voice and personality to light that spark of connection to grow your business.
xx Elaine
It’s about creating a life on my terms. One where I get to do work I love, have time to hang with Síofra and my husband, to travel, give back to causes I care about, and pursue my other passions (sea swimming, going to gigs, yoga, getting involved in our local community).
Getting to work with my clients and watch them make this happen for themselves is life-changing.
Watching them build their business has been way more rewarding than any of the awards that I won when I worked in advertising.
Are you ready to be the next success story?
Let's create your version of success and go for it!
Let's Work Together