Do you have time for joy in your business?
Jan 31, 2023
Imagine if we measured our success in business not only by sales but also in moments of joy. Time that we get to spend however we wish.
Family meals together, walks by the sea, hot chocolate, cycling, or just looking at a pretty surfboard! Catching up with friends, or taking time alone, whatever floats your boat…
Or knowing that when your child is sick you don't have to juggle work and helping them to get better.
Imagine how life would be if we measured our Q1 and its success by that.
If we planned the year to have equal success in sales and also time set aside for us, the business owner to live our lives.
Joy brings positive energy, and clarity of thinking. And both those feelings are crucial for clear business thinking.
➡️ What would that look like for you?
That's the dream that I'm building. Actual work/life balance. In fact my New Year’s Statement for 2023 is … 2023 Please Me!
My goal this year is to continue to build my business but also to get back to the things that bring me joy.
There have been moments of struggle when I’ve prioritised work over pleasure and joy. But that's ok. I'm building my dream. ⭐️ The most important part of holding yourself accountable is not letting the year slip by.
Here I am at the beginning of February reminding myself that the month of LOVE can also focus on Self Love! So I’m thinking about what I’m going to do for myself each day, and also one day that I take for myself.
Then I’m going to continue looking at my tracker and making sure that they business is set up to provide the financial stability to allow me to enjoy my life.
Will it always work as I plan, maybe not. But that's the plan and I'll adjust it.
What's your plan for creating time for yourself as you grow your business?
- Time with friends?
- Self care?
- Pancakes with some furry friends?
Prioritise time for yourself as you are growing your business.
Make them part of your goals?
Create a KPI for Joy. Because Joy brings positive energy, and clarity of thinking. And both those feelings are crucial for clear business thinking.
If you need a handy money and goal tracker to use go visit the link in the BIO ⤴️⤴️⤴️
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