Get Discovered on LinkedIn as a Keynote Speaker
Sep 07, 2023
When you are taking a break from your business do you promise yourself that you’ll stay switched off while you’re on holidays?
✅ Me too.
Do you schedule your posts, and delete the social media apps from your phone?
✅ Yeah I do too.
Turn on the out of office notification?
✅ Yep, me too.
But then maybe after a week do you just allow yourself to check one thing?
🙋♀️ Confession time…I did.
Now in my defence. We had returned home from Wexford where I ran around the forest with Síofra looking for the Gruffalo, swam in the sea, ate chips at the arcade, held a bunny at the petting farm… your typical Irish family holiday.
So bags being unpacked… back home… I jumped on the WiFi, and hit download on the LinkedIn App.
I know, technically I was still on holiday! But I couldn’t help myself!
A message popped up from Ben from DigiMarCon. Inviting me to speak at the Dublin Conference. Being the cynic that I am, I had to check if it was legit, so I googled it and sure enough it was listed as one of the top digital conferences to attend.
So I said YES. And so on the 4th September only a couple of weeks later I presented my keynote presentation "I'm not Sarah Connor, But Human Nature not BOTs = Content that Converts." to a room full of digital marketers, agencies and tech companies.
Now that’s the short version of this tale! The part one. Of course, outfits had to be bought, presentations put together, the wonderful Namrata Vijayakar - Brand Design Specialist designed a new logo for me, rebranded my colour scheme and then I had to practise it all while looking after Síofra and getting everything ready for her new school year!
Not to mention calming my nerves, overcoming my self doubt, and worrying about whether my presentation was good enough but doing it anyway!
Because I have over 50,000 hours of experience in marketing. I’ve pitched to some of the biggest companies in the world.
So what did I have to be nervous about?!! (But I was!) It’s human nature, I guess.
So why am I telling you this?
Well it occurred to me that on the 11th August I didn’t have “Keynote Speaker” in my LinkedIn Headline. I had listed the fact that I will help you Land More Clients with Clear Messaging and Content, that I’m a LinkedIn Expert, and that I can help you with your Digital and Social Media Strategy.
So that means that it was my experience, credibility and authority that drew the organisers of DigiMarCon’s attention to my LinkedIn profile. It helped me get found, known and achieve this opportunity. Which will undoubtedly lead to a growth in my visibility and further success in my business.
So forget the digital part. Does that sound like an opportunity that you’d enjoy?
- Is speaking on someone else’s platform something that you would like to do?
- To get up on a stage and speak to a room full of potential buyers or people who could refer you and recommend you?
And if you’re thinking yes, then what’s stopping you?
If you have the authority and credibility in your field of expertise, then you could do it. But you’ve got to be found first.
Here is what you have to do:
1. Demonstrate your authority in your area of expertise on LinkedIn. Positioning yourself as a thought leader by sharing relevant content both that you create, in the form of articles and posts, and also by sharing relevant third party content with your opinion.
2. Make sure that it is clear in your profile that you are an expert in your field. Put key words relating to the subject that you would like to present on, in your LinkedIn Headline (Title) Share how many years of experience that you have in the field.
3. List the relevant experience that you have from the years of work that you have or the qualifications that you have that demonstrates you are a leading expert.
4. Ensure that you are producing content that is engaging and shows that you can speak to your subject matter. Share videos. Be open to featuring on podcasts, LinkedIn Live interviews or LinkedIn Audio Events.
If today you’re thinking that you’re not sure that it would be strong enough to attract the right people to get you in the right rooms then that’s ok. Because if you have the expertise, the credibility, the authority then everything else can be created, step by step.
Just like me you can be found, know and attract clients and opportunities that will grow your visibility and your business on LinkedIn. Just like I have.
Now can we be real? I can’t show you how to do that in a live video or a blog post or even a MasterClass.
It’s something that I’m going to help 20 people achieve in my next 16 week group program, LinkedIn to Leads, that launches, end of September.
Together, we’re going to create a 5 Star Profile. To build a network of connections who love your content. AND prepare for your next Discovery Calls so that you can sign the clients you deserve that will grow your business.
So if that’s something that you’d be interested in then email me at [email protected]
You deserve to be discovered on LinkedIn to build the business that you want.
P.S. If you want a head start on how to start improving how you use LinkedIn to grow your business, then join me at the upcoming webinar How to Sell on LinkedIn without the Ick on the 19th September 2023 at 1pm. (There will be a replay available after that date)
Here’s the link to learn more about what I'm going to talk about in the Masterclass:
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