Let's Work Together

How to use Word of Mouth to Grow your Business

attraction marketing marketing power of connection small business Jul 31, 2023

In this live interview with Myofascial Physio Practitioner, Business Owner of Holisticare and Published Author, Nikki Robinson, one of the key methods that Nikki identified as being central to the successful marketing of her business was word of mouth.

When she started the business Nikki noticed that she received so many referrals through word of mouth.

In fact she has worked with 4 generations of the same family.

As her success grew, she identified what was actually activating that powerful WOM tool and in this interview she shares how she did that.

As you watch this short twenty minute video you'll hear that one aspect that really works for Nikki is online networking. It will quickly become apparent why Nikki attracts so many clients, both from the results that she gets but also the way she talks about what she does.

It's clear that using her voice and stories to share the transformation that is possible for people who are tolerating pain in their everyday life is central to the success of her marketing.

Nikki's passion for what she does and the difference it makes in her patient's lives is infectious.

So grab a cuppa, sit down and set 20 minutes aside to watch this interview as Nikki shares what has worked in marketing her business, what hasn't worked and her dreams for the next 12 months in her business.

Perhaps there are a few nuggets that you'll be able to use in your business.

Some of the services that Nikki mentioned had to be shared here... so...

For more information on the Let it Go Package click here:


To find out more about her online course click here:


And to grab a copy of Nikki's books click here:

Manage Your Pain, Transform your Life

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