Let's Work Together

The Business Spotlight with Aisling O'Rourke

Apr 22, 2024

In this series of interviews, Elaine reaches out to service based businesses who are doing things differently. She loves to hear from coaches, consultants, service providers who packed in the day job and went for it. What lessons did they learn, what went well, what didn't go so well! Where did they find their first clients, what marketing strategy did they enjoy, what didn't work for them? What are their business values?

Elaine is on a mission to show you that you can do it! That it's possible. By talking to lots of different people who have gone in their own direction and are creating a life out of the usual 9 to 5.

In the Business Spotlight this week, Elaine talks with Aisling O’Rourke. Aisling is a Communication Coach who offers Media Training and Communications coaching. A journalist by trade, she launched her business after listening to her dad share how he was doing the work of 3 people and realising that she was working 365 days a year. It was time for a change… She knew that she wanted to make an impact. Now she uses her skills to help businesses get the visibility that they need to grow. Watch this interview to find out more, as I put The Communication Coach under the Business Spotlight.

Find our more about hat she has to offer here: https://thecommunicationscoach.ie/new-index-1 

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