You've Got an Email List, What's Next?
Nov 26, 2021
Have you downloaded my 40 ideas for your Lead Magnet so that you can build your list and attract more clients?
If you need it here's a link to download it:
And if you have already got it and you've been following my advice that I share in my emails then hopefully you have been taking action like an absolute pro.
Is this you?
You have your Lead Magnet ready
You have a place to save it
There is a link to a webpage to download it
You have that link on your social pages, and you're sharing it regularly
Are you ready for the next step?
You need to welcome people.
Otherwise it's like inviting people over for a drink at your house, handing them the drink and then walking away without talking to them!
I know that's not who you are.
But we just don't think of it like that when we're in "Marketing Mode." But if you can think of everything you do in marketing just to be a parallel universe of your actual life then it's so much easier to figure out what to do.
Think of it this way. If someone has subscribed to your list after downloading your Lead Magnet then they have already decided they are interested in what you offer. The next step is to offer them something they might like to buy from you. But first you need to be a good host and welcome them.
When someone signs up to your email list you need to send them a series of welcome emails.
In this series of emails you need to:
Tell them what they'll receive from you. What value are they going to get out of continuing to be a subscriber?
Tell them more about you.
Give them tons of value.
Sell. Yes you need to offer them something to buy from you. Because people who pay, pay attention. I learn more when I buy something than when I don't.
Does that make sense?
Here's an article I wrote about this over on my blog if you need more in depth advice about what your welcome series of emails could look like:
Email 1
Thank your new subscriber for joining you and congratulate them for taking the first step in solving whatever problem you solve or enjoying whatever opportunity for bliss and joy that you offer.
Let's say you're a Mindfulness teacher. You could congratulate them for taking the first step to enjoying a more connected life.
It's also a great time to tell them what they can expect to receive from you.
Email 2
Share something about you. Everyone receives a lot of email these days so you need to remind them who you are. But also how you can help them, because even though this one is about you, it's still about them.
Email 3
Deliver value to them. How can you help them feel good or overcome something or deal with a problem that they face. It should be related to what you have to offer to sell.
After you've delivered value then addd something like:
"Want more like this? We / I help [insert their problem] with [insert your course or retreat or class or membership that solves this problem]
Then tell them where to get more.
End this email with "Tomorrow I'm going to send you..." so give them the idea that you have more ways to help them.
Email 4
Make sure that you deliver on your promise. Share more. Perhaps you have a series of articles or videos that you could send them to watch or download. Or a workbook or a cheatsheet that relates to what you are selling.
Email 5
Help them to understand the problem that they have and that you are the path to getting them from where they are to where they want to go.
So it could be a testimonial or even saying "Here's how some of our past customers benefitted from attending our courses." If you don't have testimonials then that's ok. Tell them the benefit of what they will receive.
And then direct them to where they can purchase, perhaps with a limited time offer or an added bonus for being a subscriber.
You could have more emails than 5. But you need to treat your welcome series as a sales funnel, which is just giving a path to your new customers to follow. That's what they want. They need you to help them. They have chosen you. And now it's up to you to find how you can assist them.
After the welcome series you might have a better idea of what service you could offer them. So continue to communicate with them, and continue to offer value and advice and the opportunity to buy something.
Honestly in all my years of being in business I can tell you that when people spend their money they value the product or service more. And they are more likely to take action.
In January I am going to be teaching my next group program where I show yoga teachers and coaches how to Plan, Build and Market an online membership or course.
We will go from concept through to launch in 90 days.
If you want to join me then click the link below to find out more:
There are payment plans available. So just send me an email if you want more information:
You deserve to have a regular income that you can rely on, so let me help you to build it.
x Elaine
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