Let's Work Together

How to get noticed on LinkedIn fast

Oct 09, 2023

Do you have a skill that you love to use, but you don't think that it's something that you should shout about because it comes so easy to you?

I want to introduce you to Grace Fogarty who is an amazing Presentation Skills Trainer.

The feedback she gets from both the managers who engage her and the participants is phenomenal. For a number of reasons but let's talk about two. ⬇️

1️⃣ She is able to use her innate creative ability to make the training both fun and memorable. So when people take part, they enjoy it (even if it's waaaaay out of their comfort zone.)


2️⃣ They are able to remember and implement it into their day to day tasks straight away.

When we met Grace wasn't highlighting presentation skills training in her profile. And in fact we laughed about our first four weeks together because we didn't tackle her LinkedIn content as much as perhaps she thought we would. 🏝️ But instead started a journey into working on what the BIG DREAM was and then we worked back from there.

That's where I discovered about her background in training, the international clients that she'd worked with and how flipping brilliant she was at bringing both presentations and creativity together.

That's the first step of my LinkedIn to Leads Program. That clarity. Thinking and considering what you really want. Looking into your past experience and drawing out what will both make you more revenue and make you happy.

➡️ But then also being able to articulate that (which is where most people fall down)

Grace is in demand now. 📈

⭐️ Her creative flair and her credential sings out from her profile. Her content is on point and gives prospective clients an idea of what it might be like for her to come and inspire their teams.

➡️ To think and present more creatively.


Something that came out in the course of this interview with Grace is that shortly after working with me, she amended her LinkedIn Headline. And updated her profile so that it was a Creator profile. This allowed her to highlight her experience in her headline and also use hashtags in her profile.

Four hours after she took this action (albeit, after a few weeks of getting to the bottom of what she needed to say) she received a message from a prospective client who wanted to organise a workshop.

I hope this interview inspires you.

Grace started her business in January. If you have a wealth of experience and credibility and authority in your field then you could be achieving similar results.

 Last thing...

Grace is running a negotiation workshop on the 20th October.

Here's the link if you'd like to find out more:

Click here

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