Let's Work Together

The Business Spotlight with Juan Galan

Jan 22, 2024

What I loved about this interview with Juan was how incredibly open he was. Sometimes when I interview people they just push what they're selling. What I loved about our chat was how Juan was so open about how he has grown his business and he wasn't afraid of sharing the things that he has done which didn't work.

It was so refreshing.

It was also interesting to notice the patterns of success. I've noticed that when an entrepreneur succeeds they have invested in more than just the business.

So it was interesting to hear him speak about who he admires and what his path to success has been.

I recommend watching the interview and listening to Juan's journey from travel blogger to Social Media Creator to Educator.

And another thing I recommend... is his course on creating content with AI. The AI-powered Creator-preneur

It will help you to get a great process in place and reduce the overwhelm of content creation.

Here's the link to the waitlist in case you want to find out more.


And here's a link to Juan's next workshop which is called 'The ultimate 3-step blueprint to your 6 figure business with AI. And if you're like me (should I say... like I was! and have never used AI, this is for you!)

Here's the link:



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